Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 21 Advocare!

I cannot believe my challenge is coming to an end. I feel amazing guys. I cannot explain how this is changing my life. I still have 3 more days, but there is no doubt in my mind I will be doing this challenge again. Having product that helps you make a complete lifestyle change is always good with me. The product doesn't strive on one miracle pill or drink. Its a system and they include a schedule on eating healthy as your suppose too. I will be posting my final results Monday! I will list my weight & show my very first posted pictures compared to now. :) I'm excited to see where I will be two months from now, but with dedication and drive you can do anything your set mind on. 

 I wanted to ask you all some questions as well. Because I wish someone would have brought this to my attention.

  • What is your goal?
  • When do you want to accomplish this goal?
  • Why are you wanting to do this?
  • How will you feel once it's met?
  • What do you want to do after you met this goal?
  • What are you waiting on?
If you are determined to lose weight ask yourself these questions. If you have any hesitation with any of these questions you are not ready.... I know its something you don't want to read, but to be ready and fully committed you need to be completely ALL for your goal not half way in.  Don't waste your money or time until your ready.  Please don't doubt yourself YOU are capable of so much more than you know. Life can knock you down (you may eat something your not suppose too) but you have to punch back twice as hard. Get up and get moving start off slow then build up. Listen to your body.  BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 14 Advocare challenge

I can't believe I have arrived on day 14... It's coming to the point where I'm just losing track of "days" to just living how I'm suppose to. If there's one thing to say it's this. Why wait.... Why wait for the change to come in your life. Why wait for Monday, why wait for people to be with you? I can tell you now waiting just prolongs your journey. Change will only come when YOU do it on your own. Love & support will always be there. The hardest step is starting, but when you do it's hard to look back. :)

 I have officially lost 7 lbs. Can't smile big enough, but you see that's just a perk. My energy, mood, life, has only improved. If you are not happy with yourself, ONLY YOU can make that change. Advocare has taught me how to eat healthy, what to avoid, & keep me on tracking with drinking my water. I've been consistent with the gym. It's my home away from home. Last night I burned over 500 calories
and that was ONLY on the treadmill!! Remember to burn 1 lb of fat that's 3,500 calories. So if your working out 6 days a week at a little over 500 calories burned that's 1 lb. But again that's not the most important thing.... DO NOT STRESS OVER YOUR WEIGHT. Just do your best and the rest will happen. Thanks for following. :)

Im actually starting to get definition

Week 2

Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 9 on Advocare & Workout Routine!

I am feeling really fabulous! The system is really giving me an energy boost! I like to drink the "spark" right before my workout, and it pushes me through it! I can't believe Im over the "week" point! ;)

Consistency is everything. You have to be consistent with what your putting in your body, your workout, and even how much water you drink.  Change doesn't come overnight it takes time! I think that's one of my biggest struggles is I expect to see everything change all at once, but it really is a process.

Oh yeah, I started the fiber drink again! Just 1 MORE DAY! And that will be the end of it for this challenge anyways ;). I have lost 5 lbs. Pretty awesome huh? :) Eating a clean diet has made me fully understand the toxins we put in our body, and how food HAS become an addiction! You all need to check out the Documentary "Hunger for Change". It truly gives a lot of insight about what we are putting in our bodies.

I have been on a set schedule of the following:

Monday- Arms, back, then chest

Tuesday- Cardio


Thursday- Cardio

Friday- Legs, glutes,& hamstring

Saturday- Saturday- Abs

Thanks ffor following pictures update soon. 

Update pictures

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 5 Advocare!

Hey everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your day. It's a surprisingly chill day here in Oklahoma. Ok, so it is day 5 and I have lost three pounds. And I get a nice little 4 day break from the fiber drink (drinking way faster than the first time) it's not tasty, but it's good for your body! I feel great. Tonight will be the start of my intense training for the competition. It's going to be a challenge, but it will be worth the battle.  I have been drinking water.... Non stop. So feeling water logged, but in a good way. If that makes sense at all?!

My "cleansing" will be complete in 5 days. Then the Max phase starts :0 (It sounds scarier than what it really is) If your wanting a great meal plan or startup to your lifestyle change this product gives full detail on how you do it.

I also wanted to share my most recent picture to me a couple months ago. It's small changes, but they are changes!

Through Any fitness routine or any new change work has to be put in. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen with dedication!

thanks for following! See your potential!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Advocare 24 day Cleanse

So I know what EVERYONE is thinking.... another "miracle" working weight loss program. But I did tell you all that I will be sharing everything! ;) Today marks my first day of the Advocare 24 day cleanse. So far so good, the fiber drink was not fun! BUT we all need it. :) I plan on posting every other day on the cleanse to share my feelings and so forth. I will share my inches lost and weight loss every 2 weeks. But I can start by saying I have been drinking the Watermelon Spark (can you say YUM!) I absolutely love how it makes me feel too. No jitters or shakes, and I feel like my focus is right where its suppose to be. Which anyone that personally knows me knows that's a huge step in itself. And its long lasting energy you don't crash or anything after so many hours! I do not sell it, but I will be the guinea pig! :) That way if you decide its something you were thinking about I can give you my own personal experience! BUT everyone's bodies are different, so if something isn't working out for me doesn't mean it can't happen for you! And ultimately EVERY dietary supplement should always be in coop with a great meal plan and exercise. I will also be trying Advocare's 24 cleanse video challenge. I will update that later though. :)

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MIRACLE PILL! You have to work at it! :)

UPDATE: ON DAY 1! Man can you say whew! Advocare bloated me up on day one, the next day it went away! It does make you regular thats for sure, but today (day 2) I feel amazing! Energy is up, feeling good and am looking forward to the rest of this journey! ;) I do like this system so far.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Starting line

 This is my a starting point.... You come to this disappointment in yourself when you can't stand it anymore. I'm tired of dreaming about the clothing I wish I could wear or the worry about if my fat would be covered. Lifes to short to be unhappy. So you make the changes & with these changes it will be hard. Nothing you ever have to work for is easy, but it'll happen. You have to make your dreams become a reality.