Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 9 on Advocare & Workout Routine!

I am feeling really fabulous! The system is really giving me an energy boost! I like to drink the "spark" right before my workout, and it pushes me through it! I can't believe Im over the "week" point! ;)

Consistency is everything. You have to be consistent with what your putting in your body, your workout, and even how much water you drink.  Change doesn't come overnight it takes time! I think that's one of my biggest struggles is I expect to see everything change all at once, but it really is a process.

Oh yeah, I started the fiber drink again! Just 1 MORE DAY! And that will be the end of it for this challenge anyways ;). I have lost 5 lbs. Pretty awesome huh? :) Eating a clean diet has made me fully understand the toxins we put in our body, and how food HAS become an addiction! You all need to check out the Documentary "Hunger for Change". It truly gives a lot of insight about what we are putting in our bodies.

I have been on a set schedule of the following:

Monday- Arms, back, then chest

Tuesday- Cardio


Thursday- Cardio

Friday- Legs, glutes,& hamstring

Saturday- Saturday- Abs

Thanks ffor following pictures update soon. 

Update pictures

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